Featured Wedding Venues
For most newly-engaged couples, the second choice they have to make after they pick the wedding date is to decide on the wedding venue. After all, nothing happens without somewhere for it to happen. [...]

Mexico beach wedding: Melissa & Will
Melissa & Will One For The Books... As the lockdown continues, today we'll be looking at what might be my most memorable wedding to date: Melissa & Will's wedding from 2015. What makes it [...]

Chateau Vaudreuil wedding: Jenna & Danny
Double-header Weekend, Part 2: Chateau Vaudreuil Weddings from the Vault For today's From The Archives wedding, we're going to go back to August 2014 to revisit Jenna and Danny's wedding at Chateau Vaudreuil. This [...]

Christine & Jeff
These are Strange Days We're several weeks into this pandemic and most businesses (including the wedding business) have been put on pause for an indefinite time. Things will get back to normal (sooner rather [...]

Melanie & Stewart at Le Crystal
Great wedding weather for February Last weekend I had the opportunity to do something I haven't done in quite a while: photograph a winter wedding for Melanie and Stewart. Weddings in the beginning of [...]

How to Plan a Wedding
Wedding Planning in Montreal So... what makes you an expert in wedding planning? Good question. I'm not a wedding planner, but I am a photographer who's worked over 200 weddings. As a photographer, I'm [...]

Machu Picchu
Step 1: Machu Picchu In the beginning... I've had a long-term project in mind for quite some time now: I want to photograph ancient ruins in infrared. I suppose the first time the idea [...]

Kat & Marlon at Auberge des Gallant
Good People > Bad Weather I've been pretty lucky with weddings this year. Not for the weather, of course - the weather's been horribly for most of the weddings I've had this year, which [...]

Kim & Julie
We didn't have the best weather for Kim & Julie's wedding last Saturday, but that didn't stop it from being a great day! The entire event was held at the Montreal Airport Sheraton hotel, [...]

"I hereby do not authorize Instagram..."
Instagram hoax nothing new Let me stop you right there. Chances are you've either seen the viral post yourself or heard about it. For those of you who haven't here's a summary. A post [...]

Real Estate Photographers: They're Not All The Same!
Finding the Right Real Estate Photographer So you're serious about being in real estate. Maybe you're a broker, maybe you own a hotel or motel, maybe you list an apartment on Airbnb... bottom line, [...]

Real Estate Photography for Airbnb
So you have a listing on Airbnb... You've signed up on Airbnb, created your listing and entered a description of the property that would make poets weep with joy. What's next? You have to [...]

Lake Placid
Lake Placid: Not Too Close, But Not Too Far In late-August last year, the wife and I packed our bags and headed from Montreal to the Adirondack area of New York for a week. [...]

Iqaluit in July
Iqaluit? What Were You Doing Up There? That was my aunt's first reaction when she found out I had been to Iqaluit, Nunavut, in July. So I'll tell you: one of my clients asked [...]

Montreal Food Photography: Simulating Daylight - Completing The Look
Food Photography - Simulating Daylight 2: Where Do We Go From Here? Last time, we went into detail looking at how to modify our main light of our food photography setup to copy some [...]

Montreal Food Photography: Simulating Daylight - The Basics
There are those out there who believe that natural light is always the best light to use for food photography because it gives the warmest, most organic, most inviting feel to the setup... or [...]

Headshots: An Overlooked Business Necessity in Montreal
Headshots: Putting a Face to the Name You only get one chance to make a first impression. Your headshot will do a lot of talking for you. Face it (pun intended): in [...]

Montreal Wedding Photography Tips - A Few Simple Ways To Get Great Photos
How to Help Your Wedding Photographer Help You Weddings are stressful events, right? Everyone knows that. If you've ever been to a bride's or groom's house as they're getting ready, you know that there [...]

Film Photography: Why I'm Re-Learning How To Shoot
Film Photography Until this year, I hadn't touched a roll of film since 2010. It was an average-weather day in October, and I was wandering through a nature park with a friend shooting nature [...]

Great Portrait Locations Around Montreal
Portrait locations: So where do we go to shoot? Over the years, I've shot a lot of weddings. I've also shot a lot of wedding portraits in so many different locations. Some portrait locations [...]