Featured Wedding Venues
For most newly-engaged couples, the second choice they have to make after they pick the wedding date is to decide on the wedding venue. After all, nothing happens without somewhere for it to happen. [...]

Kat & Marlon at Auberge des Gallant
Good People > Bad Weather I've been pretty lucky with weddings this year. Not for the weather, of course - the weather's been horribly for most of the weddings I've had this year, which [...]

Headshots: An Overlooked Business Necessity in Montreal
Headshots: Putting a Face to the Name You only get one chance to make a first impression. Your headshot will do a lot of talking for you. Face it (pun intended): in [...]

Film Photography: Why I'm Re-Learning How To Shoot
Film Photography Until this year, I hadn't touched a roll of film since 2010. It was an average-weather day in October, and I was wandering through a nature park with a friend shooting nature [...]