Sports Photography - The Photographer
Becoming Psychic This is the third and final part of my Sports Photography Tutorial. The first two parts covered the main equipment: the camera and the lens. Now, we're going to take a look [...]

Sports Photography - An Introduction: The Camera Body
Sports Photography: The Camera Last time we focused on what is probably the most important piece of equipment in sports photography: the lens. Now we’re going to take a look at the second-most important [...]

Sports Photography - An Introduction: The Lens
This is the first tutorial, and it’s fitting that it’s on the type of photography I enjoy the most: action and sports photography. To start, we should discuss the obvious: the gear that you [...]

Instagram: Week 1
Instagram I finally gave in and signed up for an Instagram account a little over a week ago (edit: this post was originally written in January 2017). I've never been crazy about social media, [...]

Why should you hire a professional real estate photographer in Montreal? Image matters.
First impressions matter The biggest reason for hiring a professional real estate photographer to shoot photos of your property is quite simple: quality. Nobody will deny that a bright, sharp, well-exposed photo of a [...]

How to choose a wedding photographer in Montreal.
Let the search begin In my last post I gave some survival tips for newly-engaged couples about to brave the wild and savage frontier known as the Bridal Show. This time, I thought I [...]

A survivor's guide to wedding shows.
Wedding shows: Let the chaos begin! So you’ve gotten engaged. Congratulations! Now what? After the initial excitement wears off and reality sets in, you’ll come to the realization that you need to plan a [...]

Why hire a professional photographer to cover your Montreal wedding? Service matters.
Wedding photographers aren't all equal It is very important to make the right choice when choosing a professional wedding photographer to document your wedding. A good wedding photographer is like any other artist: each [...]