Why Wedding Photography Costs What It Does

How much do you cost?

So you might be wondering why professional wedding photography costs what it does.  If you've done a bit of research, you know that there are some photographers who charge upward of $5000 for wedding coverage.  That's a lot of money, to be sure, and paying that much money isn't something that everyone can spend.  What do you get for that money?  Let's take a look.

Experience Matters

First and foremost, you want to hire someone who you know can do the job.  Photographers who have shot several hundred weddings know how to handle the stress - not just the stress on them of being responsible for capturing once-in-a-lifetime moments in your life, but also the stress that you're under.  A good photographer will be able to help you manage the stress and make your day more enjoyable.  Part of the price you pay goes toward purchasing piece of mind.

Don't Underestimate Service

Remember, your photographer isn't just working for you on your day of the wedding.  There's a lot of work that goes into processing and editing the photos from your wedding to make sure they meet the standard of quality you're expecting.  An inexperienced photographer might take on more weddings than they can handle at one time and will be faced with a choice: either rush through the work to get it out on time and sacrifice on quality or take longer than they had originally promised.  Either option results in the same thing: unhappy clients.  An experienced wedding photographer knows the value of giving your wedding photos the attention they deserve and won't compromise on quality to save time.

The Right Tools For The Job

To be clear, I'm not saying that a fancier camera makes someone a better photographer, which couldn't be further from the truth.  The skill and experience of the photographer are the most important things.  Like any tradesperson or creative professional, however, the tools at the photographer's disposal have certain characteristics and affect the photographer's ability to create.  An experienced photographer knows the best tools (lens, lighting, etc.) to use to ensure the best chance of getting the shot.  They'll also have invested in high-quality equipment designed to handle regular use day in and day out, and will have backup equipment ready to go in the event of equipment failure.  I've always said that equipment failure isn't unprofessional, things break from time to time.  Being unprepared for equipment failure is what's unprofessional.

So what does this have to do with price?  If you've ever been to a photo store, you know that high-quality equipment is quite the investment.  Aside from being purchased, the equipment also needs to be maintained, repaired and, eventually, replaced.  This is something the photographer has to take into account when determining the price of their services.  So again, you're paying for piece of mind.  You know your photographer's equipment is going to last the day, no matter what the day demands.


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